Before we talk about NBI model, let's talk about your office life…

Do you have a few people in the office with whom you don't always get along or you have a problem to start a conversation? Or do you found this awkward silence during the coffee break and you have no idea how to get rid of it?

It is a completely normal thing and not all of us understand each other on the same level. We are complex beings and our brains work in different ways.

In fact, it's about the fact that each of us has different thinking preferences. These preferences develop throughout life based on experiences, education, socio-economic factors an others.

This phenomenon is very well described by the NBI model, which means neethling brain instrument.

In this article, you will learn how to work with people based on their preferences and how to notice the signs of their preferences. Perhaps thanks to them, you will also improve relations at the workplace!

But why is it important for you to understand this NBI model?

It is simply because, according to an article by Daniel Goleman, emotional intelligence is also important, as the so-called hard skills that we need to perform our specialization. Of course, we probably wouldn’t be very successful without “hard skills” only with emotional intelligence. However, Goleman describes E.Q. as a very important factor affecting the ability of leaders to lead their teams or entire organizations.

How does this model work?

Imagine the circle which is divided into 4 parts, here goes an explanation for each of them.

  • The right and left sides represent the sides of our brain, according to how we use them.
  • The lower and upper parts represent the layers of our brain.
  • The inner part (Lybian system) is precisely the one that is older and has been developing in our brains since the first humans. This part processes emotions and similar sensations that are impulsive and does not provide space for rational thinking.
  • In a contrast, the cerebral cortex, the share of which in our brains grows with evolution, serves mainly for more rational responses of the organism to received stimuli.

Accordingly, NBI model also divides human thinking preferences into 4 segments.

nbi model

Which type are you?

L1 or R2? Or are you a person who looks to the future and is passionate about innovation? In that case, it is possible that you are R1. It is important to be able to identify which part is dominant in you. However, this does not mean that the other parts will not be found in any case. These preferences can be improved, just like your hard skills, and maybe one day you will find that you belong to the 7% of people who can use all 4 segments.

So how to use it for improve your work relationships?

We should have the basics and we also know our own type of thinking preferences. But how can we use it to get along better with people at work but also in our personal life? In the following text you learn about each type.

R1 – A strategist with a great imagination

Such people tend to be creative and look to the future. Hard data or organization are usually not their strongest point. R-units also often act impulsively and spontaneously.

If you have such a colleague or boss (it is often entrepreneurs who have such preferences), take note of it. It is quite possible that such a person thinks about the future decades ahead, always comes up with new ideas on how to improve or innovate something.

You will find a common theme with R1 in many areas as they are always curious and never stop discovering. Try asking them about their family or their new idea for a new project.

L1 – Realist and analyst

Hard data and facts backed by data. You will feel all this with the L1. This type of person concentrates on the goal he wants to achieve and doesn’t want any chatter around it. He simply wants to do his job well and honestly, in the fastest possible time.

L1 will not want to talk with you for a long time about the family, or have small talk that leads nowhere. They focus a lot on their work and its results. If you need anything from them at work, get straight to the point and ask straight away.

R2 – Emphatic and social

Conversing with such a person is never a problem, because they like to socialize and can talk about almost anything. They are also excellent listeners. Relationships are often very important to them, which is why they like to show you photos of their children or tell stories from various events.

On R2’s work desk, you may find photos of the family, animals or pictures drawn by their children hanging on the wall. However, R2s often put others before themselves, so show them that they can count on you if they need help, for example.

L2 – Always organized

If you give this type, for example, a presentation that has no structure or is simply “scattered,” it will probably irritate them a lot.

They love their customs and are always on time. They systematically try to solve the problem and do not like unnecessary “detours.”

If you want to maintain a relationship with such a colleague, then come to the meeting on time and do not forget important details that could be beneficial for this type. They will definitely appreciate it!

So let’s summarize this article

This NBI model offers a fairly decent basis for identifying the thinking preferences of our colleagues. It is clear that none of us can be classified in only one segment and is 100% only R1 or L2. But try to observe the behavior of the people around you. How do they behave at work or in their personal life? Based on this, you will know how to interest them, or what topics to discuss with them.

In summary, by paying enough attention to these details, you will be able to show your colleagues that you care about good relationships. Also, thanks to this typology, you will be able to better cooperate on various projects and thus increase your efficiency or perform better.



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